Blast from the past: Vilem Cage

Vilem Cage has appeared in more LK videos than any other Czech model. Though he went on to work for other companies, Vilem is still known best as : “Kazan’s Czech of choice”, so the Adam Gay Video Directory in 2004. Because of his manly good looks? His non-stop erection? His many skills as a dependable, tireless top? That mix of runway glamour and sexual magnetism?

3 thoughts on “Blast from the past: Vilem Cage

  1. Michael

    They just don’t make them like him anymore. Such a shame he is no longer working in porn anymore, if he ever came back I know many people (myself included) would be extremely happy. He gave so many iconic performances (mostly in your films) and could run circles around 95% of the performers that are working today. Vilem and Pavel Novotny will definitely be remembered as legends in the industry for years to come.

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