Category Archives: porn

Las Vegas: the future of porn

Back from the Consumer Electronics Show 2015. The future of porn? For sure… virtual reality (pictured here “Oculus”). And ever bigger screens: 98, 105, 110 inches… Are the days of 4K numbered? With 5K already here (the new iMac) and 8K around the corner…

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The most innovative gay porn studios of 2014

Cybersocket Magazine (November 2014) takes a look at “some of the most innovative gay porn companies. These studios and websites have all managed to thrive in a crowded and rapidly changing porn industry and they’ve done it by refusing to remain the same. They’ve all continued to evolve and to experiment (rather than to simply churning out more of the same) and they’ve all remained focused on the quality and creativity of their work”. In addition to LucasKazan (thank you!), Cybersocket features BelAmi, CockyBoys, MenatPlay, Nakedsword and Falconstudios.

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Assistant for a day

Ever fantasized about visiting a ‘naughty’ set? Curious about what really goes on? Become a member of LucasKazan before September 8th and win a chance to join Director Ettore Tosi, pornstars Leo Domenico, Raul Korso, Logan Moore and many more on location in beautiful Sicily. Amongst all members, we’ll draw two lucky winners. Both will be flown to Sicily on September 30th and will join the cast/crew as guest production assistants (flight, 2 nights and meals paid for by the production). What are you waiting for? Visit LucasKazan today



Assistente per un giorno

Al via il concorso ASSISTENTE PER UN GIORNO. Hai mai sognato di partecipare alle riprese di un porno professionale? O semplicemente di vivere un’ esperienza diversa? Cosa succede dietro le quinte? Cosa dietro la mdp di Ettore Tosi? Abbonati a LucasKazan entro e non oltre il 27 aprile: fra tutti gli abbonati italiani verranno estratti a sorte due vincitori. Che potranno prendere parte alle riprese di fine maggio in Sicilia, nel ruolo di Production Assistant. Volo (dai principali aeroporti italiani), alloggio e pasti con il cast e la troupe a carico della LucasKazan. Che aspetti? Abbonati oggi.

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